Tag Archives: IQ

Brainy info on smarts and depression

From 50 Incredibly Weird Facts About the Human Body an interesting tidbit about the brain:

A higher I.Q. equals more dreams: The smarter you are, the more you dream. A high I.Q. can also fight mental illness. Some people even believe they are smarter in their dreams than when they are awake.

Do check out the links referenced there, it’s at least interesting reading. What do you think of it?

The bit I’m particularly sceptical about is how it relates to IQ. IQ has a cultural bias due to the way it’s designed, but funnily enough people in Eastern Asia actually score higher than West Europeans for whom the test was designed (by a Frenchman, originally). Anyway, depending on how you ask about people’s dreams and the way they are able to express that, you can easily enforce a similar bias and thus come to the above conclusion without actually having a scientific basis for it. In other words, the test may have been utterly borked. Tricky stuff.